Contact Form 7 Validation Errors Occurred. Please Confirm the Fields and Submit It Again.

Contact Form 7 BannerIf you lot're here you lot're probably frustrated with not being able to notice the proper validation and syntax error fixes for Contact Class 7 when the plugin gets updated. Do not fear! Nosotros are hither to help.

Right before creating this post we had to go through a quite a few different pages and spend some time finding the correct way to reformat fields.The main problems were "From" field email bug, the disability to reply to users who have submitted through the class and fixing additional headers syntax errors. If yous are having any of those issues keep reading and we'll kickoff with the "From". All these issues are being resolved in the WordPress Dashboard inside of the Contact Grade seven carte detail.

Problem: Contact Form 7 Postal service From Field Has Syntax Errors

Near Common Question:

Why doesn't <[e-mail]> work in the From Field?


Simply put, mail clients have a very difficult time determining what messages are spam and what are real with this format. Luckily it is not a terribly difficult gear up.

Fixing The Syntax Error:

You must have a email address that includes the domain of the website where the form is. The proper setup is to have your name post-tag in the "From" section followed by the e-mail associated with your domain. Here are a few examples of how that could look depending on your grade settings:

  • [name] <>
  • [your-name] <>
  • [first-name] <>

Correct Email

Keep in mind yous'll demand to match the "[name]" e-mail-tag to those same tags existence collected on the course.

Trouble: Replying To An Email From CF7 Won't Work

Most Mutual Question:

Why can't I respond to the person who submitted their details through the form?


Fixing the "From" field syntax error in a higher place volition not let you to answer direct to emails received via the grade. The email address y'all are trying to send to is most likely invalid such every bit <>.

Fixing The Email Does Non Exist Error:

We'll need to add the e-mail mail-tag into the bulletin using the "Additional Headers" department on the "Mail" tab. This will allow you to answer direct to emails sent via the form, and have them send to the person who filled it out. Here are a few examples of how that could expect depending on your form settings:

  • Reply-To: [email]
  • Reply-To: [your-email]

Reply additional header

Keep in listen y'all will also need to match the "[email]" mail-tag to those same tags being collected on the form.

Problem: Contact Grade 7 Additional Headers Field Has Syntax Error

Most Mutual Question:

My Reply-To: [e-mail] is working on other forms why not this one?


The forms "[email]" post tag has been updated and volition no longer permit the "[text* email]" tag as a valid mode to add the email field to your form. Y'all will need to check for this mistake on the "Form" tab in CF7 then update to the new supported version.

Fixing The E-mail Does Not Exist Mistake:

Navigate to the "Form" tab in CF7 and search for your email field past striking (command/control F) to open the search box for your browser and type 'e-mail'. You should exist able to find "[text* email]" the field that needs aligning in the form. Yous will need to update this to the following:

  • [electronic mail* electronic mail]
<label for="name">Email</characterization> [electronic mail* electronic mail]

Keep in mind you may take boosted information betwixt the brackets, the kickoff "email*" is the surface area we are looking to ready inside the brackets. Everything else should remain the same every bit you lot accept it.

And It's Stock-still!

I hope this helps you fix your Contact Form seven validation and syntax errors chop-chop with less work to exercise digging through comments, and posts that are close, but don't take the same problem as you.

Thank you for reading!


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