Agains the Blade of Honour Spcnet

Against the Blade of Honor

Genre – Swordplay drama, Wuxia

1996 TVB Production with 20 episodes

"I am neither Good nor EVIL. From now on I am just me."

With those words the evil Ding Pang left the realm of human morality like a space shuttle blasting away from our planet. He mercilessly slaughtered a sizeable chunk of the wuxia population leaving a massive pile of bloody corpses. It was probably the darkest and bloodiest moment in a wuxia serial.

When was the last fourth dimension you watched a prissy dark and gritty wuxia series? The scene described in a higher place was from TVB'due south Against the Blade of Accolade made in 1996. This series starred Louis Koo every bit Ding Pang, Noel Leung equally Yu Ching Ching, Eddie Cheung every bit Lau Yuk Chong and Irene Wan as Chun Hor Ching. It was "loosely" adapted from Gu Long's novel "Full Moon-Crescent Sabre". The previous accommodation of this story was made in 1979 by TVB called "God of Sabre" starring Damian Lau and Angie Chiu. Unlike their previous effort, TVB opted to create a more complex and dark atmosphere for this series instead of closely following the novel. The stop production is one of the darkest wuxia series made by TVB.


The series began with Ding Pang vowing to become the #i swordsman to fulfill the dying wishes of his father. Using the secret sword techniques his father entrusted to him, Ding Pang successfully challenged and defeated his opponents. Later on these victories Ding Pang offered a challenge to a famous swordsman named Lau Yuk Chong. Lau Yuk Chong was a cunning and manipulative coward despite his fame. In his earlier duels, he used his wife Chun Hor Ching to seduce his opponents to steal their martial art manuals. With the manual in hand, he could secretly study the techniques of his opponents. Lau Yuk Chong did the same with Ding Pang sending Chun Hor Ching to seduce him and get his swordplay transmission. On the day of their duel Lau Yuk Chong hands defeated Ding Pang since he secretly learned all of Ding Pang's moves beforehand. He also framed Ding Pang claiming that it was Ding Pang who stole the sword techniques from him. Eventually everybody in wulin believed Ding Pang was a fraud and they hunted him down. Ding Pang managed to barely escape with his life and ended upward on a remote island.

By this time Ding Pang was full of massive rage and hatred towards Lau Yuk Chong and Chun Hor Ching. He longed for bloody revenge. Simply now he found himself stuck on a remote island far removed from wulin. On this island Ding Pang stumbled upon a mysterious cult. This cult was wary of outsiders. They had cutting off all ties to the outside earth and built a dainty and warm community. They felt outsiders might disrupt the cloth of their society. With the help of the cult leader's daughter Yu Ching Ching, Ding Pang was eventually accepted to the community. Yu Ching Ching and Ding Pang also cruel in beloved and got married.


One of the main themes of this series was cold-blooded revenge and the darkness of the human soul. Ding Pang wanted revenge confronting Lau Yuk Chong for falsely accusing him. He wanted revenge on Chun Hor Ching for betraying him. Thoughts of revenge constantly plagued him even when he lived a peaceful and happy life on the island. Can a married life filled with happiness overcome the negative feelings of the center? Unfortunately something happened that forever inverse Ding Pang'due south life and led him towards a dark and bloody future. What happened? The answer was the Moon Crescent Sabre. This weapon was entrusted to Ding Pang past Ching Ching'due south father who also taught him the accompanying techniques. The Moon Crescent Sabre was a secret treasure of the cult and its techniques were invincible. But to principal the techniques the user had to be cruel and heartless. The weapon drew upon the negative and nighttime emotions of the user. So the Moon Crescent Sabre was a double-edged sword. On one paw it offered the user with powerful roughshod techniques. On the other the cost was one'southward soul. In the beginning Ding Pang struggled as thoughts of his marriage fabricated him lose concentration. But after drawing upon his intense hatred and longing for revenge, Ding Pang mastered this "evil" weapon and became a powerful swordsman. With the weapon in hand, Ding Pang left the remote island and established a slap-up reputation in wulin. His powerful Moon Crescent Sabre was the talk of the town. He also managed to accept revenge on both Lau Yuk Chong and Chun Hor Ching. However all of this came at a great personal toll. Ding Pang had substantially sold his soul to the devil when he mastered the Moon Crescent Sabre. A dark and viscious chain of events had begun after Ding Pang exacted his revenge.


This series was definitely different other wuxia serials. The atmosphere was heavy and dark. The globe of wulin was cold and brutal filled with opportunists and backstabbers. The serial does a not bad task hooking the viewers with the moral dilemmas and shady characters. Everything was non simply black and white but shades of grey. The legendary Sword God Tse Hiu Fong was a spiritually cultivated master and highly respected by everyone in wulin. Just who knew that he had a shameful dark past. The people on the remote island seemed to be happy and peaceful. But deep inside was a burning hatred for the people of wulin. The vixen Chun Hor Ching seduced and betrayed our hero Ding Pang. Just deep inside she secretly loved him with all her heart. Everything was not what it seemed. Our hero Ding Pang was besides not your typical hero. He was a kind and loving man equally shown by his love for Yu Ching Ching. But he was too capable of beingness manipulative and committing evil deeds. Like Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars (who later became Darth Vader), Ding Pang would eventually succumb to the dark side. His Moon Crescent Sabre symbolized this darkness within his heart.


Was there any hope for Ding Pang? The reply was yeah. There were many times where Ding Pang was in a fit of rage. It was his dear for Yu Ching Ching that calmed his soul. Can the power of love overcome the darkness of the heart?

Towards the terminate of the series, Ding Pang went on a personal quest to make amends for his past crimes against wulin. He created a grave rock for each person he killed and paid respects to them everyday. He as well established a reform village where ex-thieves and murderers (i.eastward. social outcasts) could seek refuge abroad from guild. Ding Pang believed that everyone deserved a second adventure for redemption no matter their past crimes. Was he right? Does everyone deserve a chance for redemption? The serial left this question open and it is up to the viewers to decide.


This series is definitely non for everyone. It'due south a gritty wuxia series that examines the darkness of the man heart. At just 20 episodes, I remember it is worth the investment of your fourth dimension. The soundtrack of the series was besides superb. One of my all-time favorites. I highly recommend Against the Bract of Award if you're looking for something different than the traditional wuxia fare. Y'all tin think of information technology as "Nighttime Wuxia". 4.5/five stars.


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